Tuesday 30 October 2012

Easy-Lift Outboard Davit / Hoist Development Part 2

Episode 2

To be honest, my fascination with boats has not always been shared by all my family, at least not when based in the UK. But conjure up blue sea, sunshine and sun cream and I am like the pied piper of Hamlyn, everyone wants to come. 

So a couple of years ago we found ourselves enjoying a flotilla holiday in the Ionian. We all had our jobs, my daughter’s was to lie on the bow, stirring herself occasionally to operate the electric anchor, my son’s role was to help at the helm (quite successful ) and to remember to leave his ipod behind when he jumped into the sea (not so successful ). My wife’s was to remain calm at all times no matter how unreasonable or impossible my barked instructions became. Mine it seemed was the rest. 

( A shortened edited version of the Easy-Lift history appeared in the August edition of Sailing Today, so my apologies for if some parts of this seem familiar. This blog fills in the bits they left out ! )

Full information at www.outboarddavit.co.uk 

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