Tuesday 30 October 2012

Easy-Lift Logo 1

Designers cost as we all know an arm and a leg, true they provide a different level of creativity but since everything else about the Easy-Lift is home grown it would break the habit of a life time not to try to come up with some ideas myself.

It was while looking for bunting to decorate a boat jumble this summer that signal Flags popped into my mind as a possibility.We aren't the first to do it but hey !

Next problem where do you find a flag font ??

Well the answer is that if you want it in black and white you can with some effort find a sort of ready made solution BUT if you want it in colours ( why would you want anything else ? ) you have to do it yourself, letter by letter, and colour component by colour component. . . . . Long live excel

Cheers from                                 Easy - Lift  !                     


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