Thursday 1 November 2012

Easy Lift Outboard Hoist / Outboard Davit - Development History 3

Product Story 3

We had hired an outboard motor for the fortnight, imagining trips to shore and lunchtime explorations of shallow inlets. There were the usual slips and grazes and occasional blasphemy as it was being deployed and then hauled back on deck, with trips to the local chandler for webbing so we could use the boom to help with the lowering and lifting. 

Sadly however, cries from my son in particular to use the outboard soon fell on deaf ears.  I justified my reticence by telling myself that my back and blood pressure came first.

Come midwinter and with no other projects on the go, I began to think about the outboard problem again. When I was growing up, in the 50’s and 60’s if we needed anything in our house my father usually made it. So I grew up with the idea that the first port of call was the work bench and the last resort was the high street.

Til next time